Bride with Flowers

The thought of losing an engagement ring is a terrifying one, and rightfully so! Engagement rings are often a big investment. But money isn’t the only reason that losing a ring can be heartbreaking. An engagement ring is also an extremely sentimental piece of jewelry that stands for a very important commitment. Not to mention, some rings are heirlooms that have been in a family for years. While losing a ring is not an unfounded fear, there are precautions that you can take to prevent such an unfortunate event from happening. Keeping the following tips in mind doesn’t absolutely guarantee that losing an engagement ring won’t occur, but it will reduce your risk significantly.

1. Make sure your ring fits properly. You’ve probably had a ring or other piece of jewelry that doesn’t quite fit, but you love it so much you wear it anyway. This is not a good idea when it comes to your engagement ring. While you might think that you would immediately recognize a bare finger, that is not always the case. It is easy to get caught up in whatever you are doing and fail to notice that your ring has slipped off, especially if you’ve been wearing your ring so long that you aren’t really aware of it anymore. The risk of losing an engagement ring is severely reduced with a properly fitted ring. It is less likely that your engagement ring will slip off if it is not loose, however you still probably want to be more cognizant of it in colder weather when your fingers shrink due to the low temperatures.

2. Avoid ring traps and use a ring dish. There are just certain areas of your house that are well-known ring traps, like drains. Avoid the unpleasant task, and often best case scenario, of trying to fish your ring out of the sink or tub by keeping your ring on or away from said areas. If you like to remove your ring while washing your hands or showering, reduce the possibility of losing an engagement ring by making sure to use a ring dish or similar holder and keep it in a safe area like your bedroom. If you have small children, you should also make sure that this dish is out of reach. When you start to put your ring in the same spot repeatedly, it will become second nature.

3. Leave home without it. If you are traveling far from home, get rid of any chance that you will lose your ring by leaving it behind in a safe location! When you are traveling, whether it is for fun or business, your mind will be preoccupied by other things, which increases the possibility of losing an engagement ring. And, if you were to misplace your ring, retracing your steps is harder in a place that you are not extremely familiar with. You probably love to show your ring off, but keeping it at home for a few days can ensure that you are able to show it off for years to come.

4. Don’t take it off. When you are outside of the house and you can’t put your ring in a safe place, like your ring dish, just keep it on. You ring might seem safe in your pocket or somewhere in a family member or friend’s house, but you just never know what can happen. Keeping it on your finger and in your line of sight at all times can help you avoid losing an engagement ring.

5. Insure your ring. While this won’t help you from losing your ring, it will give you peace of mind in the event that it happens. Mistakes happen even if you are the most careful person in the world, so investing in insurance is a smart move and it can help lift some weight off your shoulders if you do lose your ring. When it comes to engagement rings, the first step is picking out your perfect match. Trumpet & Horn can help you find your ring, and following the tips above can help you enjoy it for life and avoid the unfortunate circumstance of losing an engagement ring.