Happy May! We are kicking off this month with May’s birthstone, EMERALDS! Many cultures have long cherished emeralds as powerful stones, and its beautiful green color is considered a symbol of life and the promise of spring. Ancient Egyptians believed that emeralds stood for fertility and rebirth. In Ancient Rome, many believed emeralds would bring goodness into one’s life. In China, emeralds are thought to bring good luck. Did you know? Emeralds were first mined in Egypt in 1500 BCE. Emeralds have been found all over the world, including Afghanistan, Australia, China, France, Russia, South Africa, and the US. Today, over sixty percent of the world’s emeralds are produced in Columbia! Throughout history emeralds have been prized by royalty and celebrities. Cleopatra’s mines turnout many emeralds, while King Charlemagne was known for his extravagant collection. Queen Elizabeth II’s collections of emeralds included an emerald diadem, and the lovely Elizabeth Taylor’s extravagant emerald jewelry earned her a feature in the National Geographic’s emerald story. According to some legends, even the Holy Grail was made from solid emerald! Our favorite emerald engagement rings from the Trumpet & Horn collection are above... which one of these dazzling stunners is your favorite?? Photos from: More.com & A Library of Design