T&H Couple: Kyle & Drew

Welcome to the Trumpet Tribe Kyle & Drew!! This adventurous duo had a few bumps in their travel plans, but that didn't stop Drew from proposing on his OWN birthday with a gorgeous vintage reproduction of the Williamsburg ring! Take it Kyle...

So Drew had wanted to propose and was dying to show me the masterpiece ring for most of the summer last year. He had been trying to get us to go away just the two of us but our summer was non-stop...Between us moving full-time into his house on the shore in June, training for and racing a half and full Ironman and a bunch of other events and trips we rarely had any time to ourselves.  Drew's birthday is Sept 5th and that week we decided to take off of work and plan an active trip somewhere and Drew decided on Maine...we finally had a plan! We promptly booked three days of campsites so we could head out to climb Mt Katahdin which is the highest peak in Maine and marks the end of the Appalachian Trail in Baxter State Park...it's an 8hr drive for us in CT and is about 3.5 hrs out of civilization up in the Maine woods so we were psyched! Drew is an experienced rock and ice climber and we both are avid ski/snowboarders so the mountains and wilderness are among our biggest loves (as are the ocean and water). I had planned a surprise bday party for Drew with about 40 peeps showing up at our favorite brewery in CT on the Sunday before we left for Maine... he had no idea and was so mad/grateful with me for pulling it off haha...it was awesome! The next morning we left for Maine and stayed over halfway up with one of my childhood friends who lives right outside of Kennebunk which is one of the cutest coastline towns in Maine. Well weather started rolling in and it turned out that Baxter State Park area was going to see massive amounts of rain for the entire time we were supposed to be living in the woods... :( we reluctantly and super sadly made the decision to abort our plans and take on the week improv style. All the while Drew's plan was to bring the ring up the day we summited Katahdin and propose up there so he was super bummed. Well my friend Kristen suggested we head a bit more north and spend a couple days in Boothbay which is a super duper historic fishing town and totally awesome...Drew had never been and I hadn't been since I was super little. Kristen also told us that 12 miles off shore from Boothbay is an Island called Monhegan Island that is known for it's extreme gnarly boat ride out, it's unbelievable Big Sur style bluff views, the artists spotted along the cliffs painting sea scapes on isles, and the awesome trail system for hiking. In addition their mid-Atlantic fresh seafood shacks found strewn about the 1mile x 2mile coastline make the best post hiking lunch stop ever! Not to mention they had popped up a tiny island brewery that is only open 5 months a year and is the only place you can get their surprisingly well crafted beer (can you tell we are beer enthusiasts lol)! Kristen had just gone out there with her family and talked about the boat ride out (deadliest catch style) and the beauty of the island...we were sold so we booked ferry tix and set alarms and left the next morning super early without knowing where we were going to stay after the island trip and headed to Boothbay... it sounded like a perfect day given it was Drew's actual Bday!! :) We made the trek out to Monhegan island, as we headed out of the bay to the open ocean we spotted the most amazing looking inn at the end of a point called Spruce Point and hence found it was called the Spruce Point Inn.  We were literally floating by the Inn when I hit book and snagged their last room which we later would be delighted to find out had an amazing water view and balcony to boot. We had an AMAZZZING unexpected and totally unplanned day heading out to Monhegan Island for a few hours of hiking, incredible views, exciting boat rides, and insanely fresh delicious seafood and refreshing beer.  We were on the boat back to the mainland and could not be more stoked on the day... and super excited to check out the Inn.  Well long story long... We checked in and with no disappointment the Inn was spectacular, our room view was amazing, and in the corner was a fireplace too...couldn't be more perfect! We sat down on our balcony in the Adirondack chairs popped a craft bottle of our fav beer from drews surprise birthday party, and cheered to an amazing completely unplanned, totally unexpected birthday adventure! Drew later told me that so many times out on the Island he was kicking himself for not having the ring in his pocket but that didn't deter him from capping off the awesomeness of the day by proposing right there on the balcony... on HIS birthday! It was PERFECT...


I was inconsolable...he took the box out of his pocket and the gorgeous ribbon was hiding the T&H so when I cleared my eyes enough to untie it and saw the letters I couldn't even open it bc I knew what he had done and when I opened it and saw it I couldn't even breathe! I can't tell you how special the ring is in all the ways it's meaningful to us and the fact that Drew had such a fabulous experience creating it with Trumpet & Horn means that much more to the both of us!! We get to tell the story of our engagement day and the making of the ring and although way too long of a story haha everyone absolutely loves the meaning in every aspect of it!